Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reef Store Dream

I don't know if people who collect other things do this much, but I tend to dream about video games a lot. This happened to me a couple of nights ago when I dreamed about a magical video game store that had an amazing supply of very cheap old games. What I had experienced was a Reef Store Dream.

The origin of the name comes from a collector's dream about a place just called Reef Store. As far as I know this was a real dream somebody had, but either way that's what they call it. I don't know much more about the origin of the story, but I sure do have dreams like that a lot. I'd say I have one every couple of months at least. Usually I will be in a store that seems unremarkable at first, but eventually I will find "the bin" and suddenly start finding incredible deals on some very strange things.

I was writing about the Master System over the weekend, so of course I dreamed about it. I was at a store with some unremarkable NES games when I found the bin holding all the Master System games. There were many games I didn't have for only .50 each. I'm fairly certain that they were mostly real games, but it's always hard to tell in the dream world. What actually gave it away that I was dreaming was that I found a game that couldn't possibly have been a real SMS game. I wish I can't remember what it was, but I do remember it coming in a soft plastic clam shell case. I remember thinking to myself "is this a real game?" when I suddenly switched over into another dream. Oh well, it wasn't real anyway.

So as I was saying this happens all the time. I guess when you're into a hobby it starts to take over the parts of your life that you don't have much control over. I don't know if a stamp collector dreams about stamps, but I'm going to assume that he does. Do any of you out there have any similar experiences? I thought it might be fun to ask for some audience participation for a change.


  1. I have dreams about once a month in which I end up with a huge collection of back issues of Thrasher and Slap magazine. Always disappointed when I wake up

  2. Even though I collect records more than games, I have lots of these about games and none about records. Mine are always based around weird unlicensed NES games, though I also had a Famicom one once.

  3. Maybe it's because those magical wall-to-wall record stores already kind of exist. It seems like it's a lot easier to find weird old rare records than video games. Maybe because of this there's no reason to dream about records.

  4. Even I have had a "Reef Store Dream". Not very often though. As you know, most my dreams have Zombies in it.

  5. I didn't have a dream, but instead it was a misunderstanding. My cousins lived out in the woods and a strip mall had recently been constructed near them. Prior to the construction, there wasn't anything nearby and they had to drive a long way to get to any store.

    They weren't allowed to have Nintendo so I brought mine when I visited and we went to the video store in this strip mall to rent a game. This place was organized in a very higgle piggle way so while the videos were in sections there was no clear border. They just ran into each other like the books on your bookshelf at home.

    I'm walking around the circular shelf with the NES game boxes, and all of a sudden I'm like "They made a game of Critters 2?" and several other sci-fi movies I didn't know had been made into games. Critters 2 is the one I specifically remember. Of course I had walked too far around the circular shelf and I was actually looking at VHS sleeves, not game boxes.
