Professor Layton
Well here's a game that reminds me of a couple different things from my childhood, and isn't that one of the things video games do best? This is an easygoing game that combines point and click adventures with brain teasers. It reminds me of a book of riddles that I used to have as a kid. Actually, it has a couple of the same puzzles. Getting the tennis ball out of that hole is easier than you think.
So Professor Layton and the Curious Village is an easygoing murder mystery with a nice young adult vibe. Is that an odd description? Well it's not really that odd of a game. You play as the plucky mystery solver as he tries to uncover several mysteries involving a strange little town. The game is done in a first person point and click style like Myst or Shadowgate. The trick is that whenever you approach someone and talk to them you almost always get a request to solve a puzzle.
The puzzles are widely varied. Some of them require you to pick from several different choices. Some of them ask you to write in your answer to a logic puzzle. Some of them are more puzzle game based and require a bit more action. Many of them are intriguing, but they are not flawless. So many of the puzzles can be solved by guessing 0,1, or either the highest or lowest number. I was able to solve several puzzles that I didn't even understand by simply picking 1. Another problem is that it's a little too easy to cheat. Want to save your hint coins and get a very high score? Just save before you talk to a person, reveal the three clues, guess until you find the answer, and then reset. I know that's a cheap strategy, but this is a cheap world. Probably most people out there red all the solutions on an online faq anyway. Now I never did anything like this, but I sure thought about it at times.
Well I know that this is mostly just a description of the game, but I think that's somewhat appropriate. Don't get me wrong though, this game does have a lot of character. The visuals are quite nice, and everybody's got a funny British accent. The mystery really goes in an unexpected direction so it kept me interested. Yep, this is a high quality gaming experience.
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