So what was your favorite part of Tom Sawyer? Was it when he was flying in a cloud or when he was fighting Injun Joe riding on the back of the Lock Ness Monster? Video games have a long history of not following along with their source material, so I guess it should be no surprise that Tom Sawyer isn't anything like the book. There's no whitewashing the fence, treasure hunting, or anything else familiar to the character. The closest it comes is the level where you're floating down the Mississippi(which is really more from Huck Finn) and the final level in the cave. I guess it's alright that it doesn't follow the book very closely because after all it's only a dream. . . or is it??
When you get right down to it though this game is a textbook case of what not to do in a platform game. It's got everything you hate in it. You want some blind jumps? How about falling objects that seem to have no pattern? How about an awkward weapon that has difficulty hitting its target? And the worst part is that even if all the control and gameplay flaws were fixed it would still be a mediocre game. The game only has five levels, and it can be finished pretty quickly thanks to unlimited continues. So I guess what I'm saying is that this game has bad controls, terrible gameplay, a dumb storyline, and worst of all it is far too short. It seems like there's a joke in there somewhere.
I'm going to cut this one a little short today. This game doesn't make me feel very creative and it leaves me with very little to write about. I will say that I didn't have a terrible time playing this one again. I enjoy playing the more obscure games, and it's not like it took up a lot of my time. I actually had some fun playing it. Just keep in mind that this is kind of a lousy game. My cousin made fun of me for renting it as a kid and I don't blame him. I guess when you're a kid you'll rent just about anything.
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